The lovely ladies over at Polkadots and Moonbeams have tagged me. I am virtually computer illiterate (unless it has to do with Microsoft Word and Itunes) so this should be interesting. Hopefully I do it right.
The Rules:
1) Post these rules.
2) Post 11 random things about yourself
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) Go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged
6) No cop-outs in the tagging section like, "If you are reading this" or "if you follow me". You have to legitimately tag people!
Okay. 11 random things about me.
1) I hate small spaces when they're full of people. I could sit in a tiny, tiny box and not care, but you put me and a hundred people in a room and I get claustrophobic.
2) I'm pretty sure Seasonal Allergies are going to be the death of me.
3) I LOVE nail polish
4) I cross-stitch and adore doing it.
5) I'm addicted to Starbucks
6) I have always wanted to learn to play the Violin but I learnt the Piano instead.
7) I have four brothers and sisters.
8) I used to have a pet dog, fish, and turtle.
9) Shopping is fun but only when it's at a bookstore or if I'm with a bunch of friends.
10) Owl City is some of the cutest music in the world.
11) I lived in Hong Kong for six months of my life.
*sigh* That was a lot of work.
Here are the girls 11 questions for me:
1.Would you rather be invisible or fly?
I would rather fly. I would love to be able to see the world from up there. I think it would be like sailing through air.
2. Who is your best friend?
My little sister is my best friend. She's incredible. Strong, beautiful, brilliant, and funny. Gosh, is she funny.
3. Your current favorite book?
First off, I think it's cruel to only ask for one. Pride and Prejudice. Pride and Prejudice will always be my favorite book. I've read it more times than I care to count.
4. Favorite hero of all time?
This one is so easy. Captain America. Have you seen that guy? He could save the world with his pinky finger. He's also the best looking super hero...just saying.
5. Do you wear glasses, contacts or is your eye sight pretty good?
I wear glasses. It's time for new ones though.
6. Are you artistic? If so, how?
I guess I am. I write, cross-stitch, and craft.
7. Everyone either has a word or a saying that is always coming out of their mouth, what's yours?
Dang and True Dat. I'm not sure why.
8. What is your favorite color combination?
I really like vintage blue and pastel pink (my blog colors).
9. Cat, dog, bird, fish? What is your favorite pet?
Dogs are the bomb. Nothing compares.
10. Is there a particular genre of movie/book you like best?
I really like adventure. Like the Bourne movies. Those are some of my faves.
11. Favorite humorous movie quote?
Hmmm. There are so many funny ones out there.
Okay. I LOVE the movie "Nacho Libre". Legit. It is super hilarious. My family and I watched that movie just before we went sailing for the first time and I think we quoted that stupid movie a billion times.
Fave quote:
"My favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal, is puppies. I like serving the Lord, hiking, playing volleyball."
"You've got to be kidding. All those things you just said are my favorite things to do. Every. Day,"
Hahaha. I think it's just hilarious. I know, what a weirdo.
Here are my questions for you:
1) Who is your favorite author?
2) If you could have only one piece of furniture in your bedroom, what would you pick?
3) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4) If you could go on any missions trip, where would you go and what would you do? (After you answer this question, go do it.)
5) Starbucks or your local coffee shop?
6) Hiking in the wilderness or jumping out of a plane?
7) Mars or Jupiter (why?)?
8) Favorite kind of chocolate?
9) Math or Science?
10) Best place in the world to eat dinner?
11) NIV or King James? Why?
I don't have many people to tag, but here we go:
I actually only really follow two blogs so Bethany over at Bethany's Blog
And Riah and Lys over at
Hahaha. Sorry to tag you again ladies (You don't have to do it again)