Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas is only four short days away! Am I excited? You bet!
I don't have a ton of time ahead of me here so I'm gonna have to either type stunningly fast, or keep this short. Chances are, this will be kept short.
As Christmas is approaching, I find myself thinking about Christ's birth. No big shock there, but I'm wondering more about Mary. Did she know that the baby she would bring into the world, the baby she would raise and love, would one die a brutal death? What about Joseph? How did he feel knowing that Jesus was not "really" his son? It was like having an adopted son or worse, a borrowed son. How did Joseph feel when his own son died, rose again, and then was taken to heaven to be with his "True" father. How about Jesus himself? How did He feel? Did He know that Joseph and Mary weren't his parents? What was it like to know that He wasn't where he belonged? That He was meant for so much more and that He Himself was so much more? What about Jesus's brothers and sisters?
I mean, I could go on. We always think of Jesus's bodily pain, but what about his emotional pain? Maybe, he was in anguish over his death, not because of the pain it would cause him, but the pain it would cause his family? Maybe the anguish of leaving them is one of the reason's he was feeling such anguish.
This Christmas, take the time to thank God for such an amazing gift. God watched Jesus's birth and the whole time, knew the course of his son's life. Knew that one day his son would die for us.
The same goes for us. This Christmas, if you are struggling, and if life seems out of control, just remember that God has seen your life from the beginning and knows your future. God is your "true" Father and he will NEVER EVER abandon you.
Merry Christmas to you and don't forget, thank God for all that he gave, is giving, and will give in the future.


  1. Hannah, Love your thoughts here. I've often wondered the same things myself, especially on an emotional level. Must be a writer thing;) But truly, people don't often think of the anguish involved before His birth with all the emotions at play (unwed mother, stigma, Joseph's shock, family repercussions, etc.). Not to mention his growing up and ministry and death. Oh, we could go on and on... When I suffer even in a small way I remember all that He suffered in such a HUGE way.

    Love your new look here! It's so YOU:)

  2. Lovely - just so you know, your design is in the works!
